How to purchase or subscribe to The Eastern Buddhist

Published twice a year by The Eastern Buddhist Society

Annual Subscription Rate 4,000 yen
Single copy 2,000 yen
(shipping fee included)
Please note that we are no longer able to accept checks for subscripton renewals to The Eastern Buddhist.
To request subscriptions and order back numbers please send an e-mail to giving the details of your order.
You will then be sent an individualized URL from which you can make a credit or debit card payment.
It is domestically possible to make remittances by postal transfer (Account No. 01090-5-21783, Kyoto).



Legal Information and notices required by Act on Specified Commercial Transaction


 Vendor  The educational corporation of Shinshu Otani Gakuen
 Representative in charge  Wataru KIGOSHI
 Office and Contact  The educational corporation of Shinshu Otani Gakuen
 Tokiwa-cho, Karasuma Shichi-jo Agaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto   600-8167, JAPAN

 The Eastern Buddhist Society
 Otani University
 Koyama Kamifusa-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8143, JAPAN

 Tel : +81-75-411-8020
 Fax : +81-75-411-8023
 URL :
 E-mail :

 *Office hours: Monday to Friday(except holidays): 9am to 5pm
 Price  Reference to the price list
 Shipment  Ship within 6 working days 
 Payment methods  PayPal, (Postal transfer: only in Japan)
 Return, exchange or cancellation  Only damaged goods will be exchanged
 Postage fee for the return of merchandise  Exchange fee is free

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